All Notices for Scattery Island Celebration

Scattery Island Celebration

This will be celebrated on Sunday 18th Aug @ 3.15pm.

There will be two departures from the Marina at 1.30p.m. & 2.30 p.m.

Cost per ticket for the boat will be €20 per head.

All tickets must be pre-booked.

Please call to the Scattery Island Tours Office at the Marina or ring 085-2505512.

Scattery Island Celebration

The annual Scattery Island Celebration will be celebrated on Sunday 18thAugust @ 3.15pm.

There will be two departures from the Marina at 1.30p.m. & 2.30 p.m.

More details later.

Scattery Island Celebration

We welcome back Fr. Des Hillery who will lead our Celebration on Scattery Island this Sunday 27th August @ 3.45pm. The ferry departs from Marina at 2pm & at 3 pm