
St. Patrick’s Day

On Monday 17th March we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, the Patron Saint of Ireland St. Patrick was brought as a slave to Antrim where he spent 6 years tending pigs.

He tells us he prayed to God a 100 times a day & the same at night.

He escaped to France & was ordained a…

First Holy Communion Ritual

We extend a warm welcome to the boys & girls who are preparing for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion who will lead us in Prayer & Reflection during the 6.30pm Mass on Sat 22nd March.

Let us continue to remember to keep these boys & girls in our prayers.

Confirmation 2025

Congratulations & best wishes to all our young people who were confirmed last weekend by Bishop Fintan Monahan.

Sincere thanks to their teachers who prepared them for the Sacrament. Sincere thanks to the choir, students, teachers & all those who organised and provided the refreshments. Mile Buiochas Díobh Go Léir.

St. Senan’s Primary School-Diya Anish,…

Kilrush Apostolic Work

If you would like to donate a chalice in memory of a family member or friend.

All Sacred Vessels are for use in the missions and can bear an inscription in memory of your loved one.

Please contact Mary Canny for further information at 0868673876

Diocesan Finance Meeting

This will take place at the Golf Club, Kilrush on Thurs 20thMarch @ 7.30pm.

We extend a warm welcome to the Chairpersons and Members of Parish Finance Committee& all others involved with Parish Finance; Chairpersons & members of Pastoral Councils; Ministers of Pastoral Care and Catechesis

Matt Talbot-Relics

VENERABLE MATT TALBOT RELICS will be at Ennis Cathedral this Monday 3rd March @ 7.30pm.

All are welcome

Liturgy Group

The next meeting will take place on Tue 4th March @ 7pm in the Community Centre.

We extend a warm welcome to all members

Pastoral Council

The next meeting will take place on Tue 4th March @ 8pm in the Community Centre.

We extend a warm welcome to all members to join us on the night.

Ash Wednesday

ASH WEDNESDAY is next Wednesday 5th March, the beginning of the journey of Lent.

It is the day traditional associated with the Blessing of Ashes & tracing them on our foreheads as a sign of repentance and penance.

Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving as we prepare for the journey of Holy…

Trocaire Boxes

Trocaire Boxes for Lent are available at the back of the Church this weekend.

The theme for Jubilee Year 2025 is ‘Pilgrims of Hope’.

This theme encourages each of us to be messengers of hope in our very troubled world.

This year, Trócaire’s Lenten campaign focuses on Guatemala, a country which is one of the…