Recently Maura Falsey was appointed by Bishop Fintan to Inis Cathaigh Pastoral Area in her Ministry of Pastoral Care to the parishes of Kilrush, Killimer, Cooraclare, Kilmihil.
We welcome Maura & wish her every blessing in her new role. The new Ministers of Pastoral Care will work beside priests in parishes and pastoral areas offering the care and support of the Christian Community to those who need it. The role of lay chaplain is increasingly common in our hospitals and nursing homes. The Ministry of Pastoral Care is a similar kind of role, but it is exercised in the local community.
This Ministry includes visiting those who are ill or elderly at home or in nursing homes and having a special care for those who are isolated or on their own in the community. They will be available to offer sensitive care to those who are bereaved according to their wishes and needs or to help families at times of funerals through, for example, helping to prepare funeral liturgies which are meaningful to families.