Fr. Pat Larkin

Fr. Pat Larkin
Parochial House,
Toler St,
Co. Clare
V15 C822
Tel: 065-9051206
Mobile: 087-2300627

Native of Doonbeg Parish.

Ordained 12th June 1993 at the Cathedral of the Assumption, Thurles.

First Holy Mass of Thanksgiving in the Church of Our Lady Assumed into Heaven, Doonbeg on Sunday 13th June 1993.

1993-1995: Curate to the Parishes of Cross & Carraigholt living in Cross Parish.

1995-1996: Curate in Kilrush

1996-1997: Post graduate studies at All Hallows College, Dublin

1997-1998: Curate in the Cathedral Ennis

1998-2002: Curate in Mullagh (Kilmurry Ibrickane)

2002-2013: Parish Priest in Mullagh (Kilmurry Ibrickane)

2013-2019: Co-P.P. Críocha Callan Pastoral Area residing in Kilmaley

2019-            Co-P.P Inis Cathaigh Pastoral Area residing in Kilrush