Confirmation 2025

Published on March 15, 2025

Congratulations & best wishes to all our young people who were confirmed last weekend by Bishop Fintan Monahan.

Sincere thanks to their teachers who prepared them for the Sacrament. Sincere thanks to the choir, students, teachers & all those who organised and provided the refreshments. Mile Buiochas Díobh Go Léir.

St. Senan’s Primary School-Diya Anish, Zoey Boland, Christian Brennan, Harper Brennan, Heidi Browne, Emily Cahill, Bonnie Clarke-O’ Connor, Sophie Clarke-O’ Connor, Dylan Coleman, Lily Coleman, Callum Cook, Lottie Copley, Cillian Crowley, Freya Fallon, PJ Hall, Hope Hanrahan, Thomas Kelly, Faye Knight, Phoebe Lillis, Rhona Lyons, Roan Mahony-O’ Brien, Mason Malone, Ruth Manton, Ashanti McCarthy, Jake McNamara, Chloe Mescall Siobhán Mescall, Ciara O’ Brien, Kingston O’ Callaghan, Conor O’ Shea, Dan O’ Shea, Kamil Potemski, Niamh Roberts- Malone, Ella Ryan-Meehan, Antoni Sawina, Whitney Sweeney-Burke, Molly Tubridy, Freya Walsh, Jack Walsh.

Gealscoil Uí Choimín-Clodagh Ní Shé, Emma Ní Loingsigh, Seán Ó Ciardha, Oran Ó Donnchadha, Josh de Búrca, Aaron Ó Cathail, Billy Kidd, Cathal Ó Tiobraide, Liam Mac Amhalaí.