Ash Wednesday

Published on March 1, 2025

ASH WEDNESDAY is next Wednesday 5th March, the beginning of the journey of Lent.

It is the day traditional associated with the Blessing of Ashes & tracing them on our foreheads as a sign of repentance and penance.

Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving as we prepare for the journey of Holy Week.

It is a day of Fast & Abstinence.

Ashes will be available at 10 am Mass on Wed for people to take home and bless those in your household.

Mass times on Ash Wednesday– Kilrush- 10 am; Knockerra 8pm —

Ash Wednesday Liturgy with distribution of Ashes will take place in St. Senan’s Church, Kilrush on Wed 5th March @ 1pm.

All are welcome